Just now! 60% Off on all teeth whitening kits


 How does Toothy® LED Bleaching Work?

Our gel is developed to support results without a negative effect on the sensitivity of your teeth. Thanks to the combination of active substances and their activation by UV light, oxidation occurs, which eliminates dirt on your teeth and destroys bacteria which are responsible for the yellowing of your teeth.

Just a few minutes a day and your teeth can be a few shades whiter.

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  "Our whitening technology is powered by a peroxide-free formula that will bring you whiter and brighter teeth without sensitivity."

What is our goal?

Toothy's development was created to combine efficiency and economy. We are aware that we have only one fixed tooth for life! Let's keep them white and natural for as long as we can! Teeth whitening can be expensive, painful and does not work for everyone. We plan to change this with our 3 main goals:

1. Bleach your already perfect smile in a natural way while limiting the risk of tooth sensitivity.

2. Provide you comfortable use with the comfort of your home.

3. Achieve maximum results in the shortest possible time while you can focus on other activities.

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