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Learn more about the unique composition of Toothy®️ whitening gel. We make an effort that every component of the gel has its meaning. By doing so, you can be sure that you ensure the best care for your teeth.

Sodium Bicarbonate technology Aloe Vera ENG

PAP, ENG Granatove jablko ENGl

Chamomile ENG Toothy 2.0 cele slozeni ENG



The certificate has been drawn by NQA and is valid according to European directives 93/42/EEC and 2007/47/EC.

Snímek obrazovky 2020-05-12 v 10.58.44Snímek obrazovky 2020-05-12 v 10.59.02Snímek obrazovky 2020-05-12 v 10.59.20

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